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Ashen Keys

7th March 2024, 7.30pm

The Ashen Keys are a multi instrumental, multi voiced celebration of heartfelt storytelling from Kent. The group brings together three musicians - Hannah Ellerby (vocals, violin, oboe and ukulele), Rachel Lowrie (vocals, guitar, ukulele and clarinet), and Vicky Price (vocals, French horn, accordion) - and their sound tells of influences from folk, blues, pop, classical and even early music.

Expect to be taken on a journey through dark folk tales, bittersweet love stories and reveries on nature, all with exquisite vocal harmonies and unique instrumentation. Their first summer as a band included performances at Purbeck Valley Folk Festival, Rochester Cathedral's Ithamar Chapel, Black Deer Festival, and at Shrewsbury Folk Festival as one of the winners of the 2023 Launchpad competition.

2024 will see The Ashen Keys release their debut album, headline folk clubs and perform at more folk festivals around the UK, including Broadstairs and Swanage... and Rosslyn Court!

Ashen Keys video -

From Dartford Folk Club

The Ashen Keys are a multi instrumental, multi voiced celebration of heart felt story telling heralding from east Kent, bringing together three very talented musicians

  • Hannah Ellerby - vocals, violin, oboe and ukulele
  • Rachel Lowrie - vocals, guitar, ukulele and clarinet
  • Vicky Price - vocals, French horn and accordion

Their sound tells of influences from folk, blues, pop, classical and even early music.

Individually they have been playing and recording in bands for decades but, over the past year or so, they have been performing together as The Ashen Keys.

With an amazingly exciting first year, securing entry to part of the Shrewsbury Folk Festival's 'Launchpad', and Purbeck Valley Folk Festival's 'Purbeck Rising Showcase',

they have performed in the Ithamar Chapel in Rochester Cathedral, as part of Sweeps Festival, and were also invited by Supajam to play on their stage at Black Deer Festival.

Upcoming bookings for club and festival gigs for this year and beyond, plus the release of their debut album later this year, confirm the Band's future is looking very promising indeed!

We are delighted to be welcoming THE ASHEN KEYS back to Dartford - they played a cracking support act last year! - and expect to be taken on a journey

through dark folk tales, bittersweet love stories and reveries on nature, all with lashings of vocal harmonies and unique instrumentation.

And if you can't wait for Tuesday... here is a sample of what to expect!     The Den

Image representing Ashen Keys from Rosslyn Court