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To buy tickets to Rosslyn Court events, please only use the links to WeGotTickets from this website or phone Rosslyn Court directly on 07902 140248 as people have been scammed into buying counterfeit tickets on Facebook.

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Enda McCabe

22nd February 2024, 7.30pm

Enda McCabe is an experienced performer, based in the Conamara gaeltacht in Co. Galway, who sings a mixture of traditional Irish language songs and traditional songs in English, together with some original songs in English.

The songs are linked by stories, most, but not all, of which are based on personal experience and he delivers an entertaining performance of the highest standard. A solo performer who also works with other singers and musicians from time to time, amongst whom are Tim Edey, Róisín El Safty, Johnny Connolly, Johnny Óg Connolly and a wonderful Japanese flute player Tomoyo Sugai to name but a few. (Enda appeared recently with Róisín on Bosca Cheoil, a TV program on TG4.).

In addition, he runs workshops on Traditional Singing, Songwriting and Accompanying Traditional Irish Music. Enda has performed in Ireland, Britain, France, Belgium , Austria and the USA. Enda has just released an album with a fine fiddle player from Dublin, Colly Moore and the response of audiences has been most enthusiastic. Enda's previous albums "Dreams of Carrickfergus" (1990) and "Ceol sa Chistin (Music in the Kitchen)" (2010) were widely acclaimed.

He  completed an M.A. in Irish Traditional Music Performance at the University of Limerick and still tours.

Image representing Enda McCabe from Rosslyn Court