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To buy tickets to Rosslyn Court events, please only use the links to WeGotTickets from this website or phone Rosslyn Court directly on 07902 140248 as people have been scammed into buying counterfeit tickets on Facebook.

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Falle Nioke

21st September 2023, 7.00pm

Falle Nioke is a singer and percussionist from Guinea Conakry, West Africa. He sings in French and English, Susu, Fulani, Malinke and Coniagui, and plays a range of cultural African instruments to accompany his voice (gongoma, Bolon, Cassi). 

Since arriving in the UK, after a period travelling around West Africa, singing with a troupe of musicians and learning different cultural rhythms, he has been making music with a number of producers. His live solo show is a soulful performance of his own creation in a traditional African style. 

He is a musician with a deep sense of heritage but also an incredible sense of daring, with a grasp of the depth of possibilities creativity can bring.

“I wrote the song “Lonliness” because I have felt loneliness," states Falle Nioke. "It’s about a man whose wife leaves the village to go to the big city to see family. Since experiencing city life she can’t face returning to the quiet village. He can’t sleep and any footsteps he hears he is looking for her. Yet when he goes to the door, all he sees is the moon and the stars." 

"So sad standing alone in the dark. I need you like the plants need the rain. Loneliness is a sickness, walking as two is the medicine."

Image representing Falle Nioke from Rosslyn Court