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John Douglas

23rd May 2024, 7.30pm

At long last, fans and newcomers alike are treated to an intimate snapshot of the talent, charisma and depth of this celebrated Scottish indie songsmith. The start of a new chapter in John Douglas' creative life as he simultaneously looks back at a lifetime of musical adventures and accolades and moves forwards.

Hailing from Irvine on Scotland’s west coast, John has a rich history, making music with Trashcan Sinatras for over thirty years. Apart from his role as a songwriter (and guitarist) there, John has been playing live gigs across the UK and Ireland as part of his partner Eddi Reader’s band.

About his latest recording, John Douglas explains, “I’ve often been encouraged by friends over the years to make a solo album, but the timing or inclination didn’t flow. Last year - out of nowhere - everything suddenly felt right and the process was quick and natural. Mark just set the mics up and I played my songs. No other musicians or overdubs. Me and my guitar.

That way, I became the songs and they became me. The finished record, though varied in song styles, has a mood to it… it’s warm, thoughtful and quiet.. as I generally aspire to be.

‘John Douglas’ new album was released on    06 October 2023  on  Reveal Records Bandcamp exclusive (available now) offers 2 bonus tracks FOR FANS OF: Trashcan Sinatras, Billy Bragg, Prefab Sprout, Wrest, Beerjacket, Withered Hand, Red House Painters, Mark Kozelek

FOCUS TRACKS: I Just Want To Go Home, Lost, Weightlifting, Oranges & Apples, Leave Me Alone, We Let The Stars Go (Prefab Sprout) FCC clean



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Scotland's Reveal Records is pleased to announce that the debut solo album from one of Scotland’s finest songwriters - John Douglas (Trashcan Sinatras) - will be released worldwide on October 6th. The album 'John Douglas' features new recordings of some of John's favourite Traschcan Sinatras material, alongside new songs he has written and his own rendition of the Prefab Sprout classic ‘We Let The Stars Go’.

The eleven songs on this record were performed solo, recorded live at Kyoti Studio in Glasgow (with no overdubs) by producer Mark Freegard, who also mixed and mastered the album.

He has also been performing solo sets at shows with musical friends, such as Norman Blake (Teenage Fanclub), Jill Jackson and James Grant (Love & Money). Whilst visiting Irvine recently, John was invited to guest with Martin McAloon (Prefab Sprout), the two artists having first met in 1990 during Trashcan Sinatras' ‘Jordan - The Comeback’ tour with Prefab Sprout. John Douglas' album will be released on CD and digitally and will be available from fine music outlets worldwide. It can be obtained via Bandcamp ahead of the general release with early-birds receiving an immediate full album download, plus exclusive access to two bonus digital tracks ('Last Orders' and 'The Drink').

If you have any questions, contact Shauna from Shameless Promotion PR at

Image representing John Douglas from Rosslyn Court