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Counterfeit Ticket Warning

To buy tickets to Rosslyn Court events, please only use the links to WeGotTickets from this website or phone Rosslyn Court directly on 07902 140248 as people have been scammed into buying counterfeit tickets on Facebook.

Don't search using Google as there are false links there that say they are legit but are not. Our tickets are non transferrable. Please bring your WeGotTickets or Rosslyn Court confirmation, your name will be on the door.

We only sell tickets through the official WeGotTickets site via links found here. Please don't lose your hard earned money!
Pride Supporter at Rosslyn Court

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Lizzy Hardingham

24th October 2024, 7.30pm

Folk infused singer songwriter Lizzy Hardingham performs songs that "drive straight to the heart, giving audiences a chance for genuine connection and empathy".

Hardingham is paving her way as a powerhouse performer with beautifully delivered songs, "her wonderful voice grabbing the listener from the very first note and holding on until the last".

She will be bookended by roots legend Katriona Gilmore on fiddle and mandolin and improv hero Jonny Wickham on the double bass. Think Joni Mitchell, Sandy Denny and KT Tunstall all wrapped into one.

"One of the most distinctive voices since Sandy Denny." Celtic Music Radio

"It’s been said by more or less anyone that’s ever been anywhere near a Lizzy Hardingham performance, but her vocal power is exhilarating. When she’s opened the vocal floodgates and let the notes flood out, I’m inclined not to care where I end up. I’m along for the ride." At The Barrier 

“Gorgeously delivered self penned songs that pip everything else to the post.”  Northern Sky (★★★★)

“A voice you could listen to on loop with songs that sing straight to the heart.” Maverick Magazine

Image representing Lizzy Hardingham from Rosslyn Court