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To buy tickets to Rosslyn Court events, please only use the links to WeGotTickets from this website or phone Rosslyn Court directly on 07902 140248 as people have been scammed into buying counterfeit tickets on Facebook.

Don't search using Google as there are false links there that say they are legit but are not. Our tickets are non transferrable. Please bring your WeGotTickets or Rosslyn Court confirmation, your name will be on the door.

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Margate Songbook - Concert 1 - Ark

17th February 2024, 7.00pm

At The Ark, round the corner from Rosslyn Court, this is an exciting collaboration of two venues and promises to be a wonderful night of comedy and music.

These are some of  the songs that people chose when interviewed for an Arts Council Grant project that looked at different aspects of living in England. Each of the concerts will showcase different songs so you can go to all 4!

They will be performed by different artists in the area and introduced by comedian Charlie Partridge with Morris Side Bower Street Morris adding to the mayhem.  To date we have: Snottledogs, Sally  Ironmonger and Brian  Carter,  Josh Flowers, Bower Street Morris, Harmony Bo, Phien O'Phien, Morag Butler, Jon Beetham, Charlie Hannah, Ben Faria, Paul Grant, Henry Gabbott

The event is introduced and spun by  local comedian Charlie Partridge who will explain and pull the songs together in his own inimitable way.

Come and enjoy a fun night out with songs you know performed by people you also know!  It’s going to be a great night.

There will be a bar

Doors 7pm.

Ark, Albion Road, Cliftonville, Margate, CT9 2HP

Image representing Margate Songbook - Concert 1 - Ark from Rosslyn Court