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To buy tickets to Rosslyn Court events, please only use the links to WeGotTickets from this website or phone Rosslyn Court directly on 07902 140248 as people have been scammed into buying counterfeit tickets on Facebook.

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Pride Supporter at Rosslyn Court

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Margate Songbook - Concert 4 - Rosslyn Court

27th April 2024, 7.00pm

The fourth public concert of songs chosen by people in Margate to represent life in England and sung by mainly local performers all of whom are committed to diversity within the community and a positive future for everyone in England.  During this concert we are very pleased to be hearing the great Gerry Colvin who has been supportive of the project from the start and was one of the interviewers.

Singers include:

  • Gerry Colvin
  • Sally Ironside and Brian Carter
  • Jon Betham
  • Charlie Hannah
  • Mami Anim-Addo
  • Thomas Wood
  • Lorna Jean Connell
  • Ben Faria
  • Simon Mason
  • Harmony Bo and Dylan Watling
  • Bob Kenward
  • Morag Butler 

This concert will be livestreamed by Phil Chapman and available on YouTube.

Image representing Margate Songbook - Concert 4 - Rosslyn Court from Rosslyn Court