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14th November 2024, 7.30pm

“Beautiful harmonies. Two excellent singers” - Genevieve Tudor, BBC Radio

"Suthering brings together a joyous blending of voices and musical talents of Julu Irvine and Heg Brignall.  Delicate, harmonious and thoroughly English, Suthering is a welcome arrival on the vibrant English folk scene" - Terry O'Brien, Folk Expo

“Excellent musicians, beautiful harmonies and a fresh approach to traditional music” - Tony Birch, FATEA Magazine

“This is great songwriting” -Bill Golembeski,

“Suthering’s strength lies in their uniqueness. They really don’t sound like anyone else on the current folk scene” - RnR Magazine

​“Hard-hitting, beautiful songs” -Folk Wales Magazine

“Beguiling [and] stunning” - Spiral Earth


Evocative and distinctive, folk duo Suthering (Julu Irvine & Heg Brignall) transport audiences with their exquisite vocal harmonies and their message of hope during hard times.  

Soaring above the cascading piano and delicate, fingerstyle guitar, it’s the duo’s beautifully matched voices and their fresh approach to folk which make their traditional and self-penned songs stand out.

Known for their chemistry and humour on stage, they effortlessly intertwine their important messages about the state of our climate, social conscience, and the importance of community and connecting with nature. They champion female characters, creating new narratives for women and unearthing the female heroines of folk.

Described as playing “Hard-hitting, beautiful songs” (Folk Wales Magazine) and heralded for their distinguished sound by RnR Magazine, “Suthering’s strength lies in their uniqueness. They really don’t sound like anyone else on the current folk scene”. Their debut album If We Turn Away (Feb 2022) was co-produced with Lukas Drinkwater. Suthering are currently working on a second studio album, produced and recorded by Sean Lakeman, which will be released in late 2024. 

Image representing Suthering from Rosslyn Court